Santeetlah Marina Dock & Storage Rates
Seasonal and Annual storage rates are based upon full payment up front only. Seasonal rate is 7 months from date of contract execution and Annual rate is 12 months of contract execution.
A signed contract is required for storage of all boats, trailers and other miscellaneous equipment. Posted rates are subject to change without notice. Actual rates will be determined upon a signed contract at Santeetlah Marina.
Both Customer and Operator recognize the hazards associated with storing personal property, watercraft, trailers or other equipment at Santeetlah Marina. Santeetlah Marina is not responsible for any damages to the Customer’s personal property, watercraft, trailer or other equipment as a result of electrical accidents, collisions, fire, theft, vandalism, flooding, freezing, and/or sinking, acts of God and naturally occurring hazards. It is the Customer’s responsibility to carry insurance on watercraft, trailers, equipment and all items kept or stored at Santeetlah Mairna’s facility.
Posted Rates do not include applicable credit card surcharges.
Covered Slip Rate
Annual $3,220.00 Non Covered Slip
Per Day $40, 5 Months $1600, Seasonal $1820
Annual $2420
Jet Ski Port
Month $110, Seasonal $770 Non Covered Dry Storage
Daily $20, Month $150 Covered Dry Storage
Month $180 Vehicle/Trailer Parking
Call for Availability & Pricing
Rates are subject to change without notice.
Maximum Boat Length is 24 ft. for wet storage